Halloween Bash...With Reed Rothchild Jessica Biel and quality horror= boners for days..
This was one beautiful atmospheric puzzle. Laugier has created this depressed community the oozes fear and uncertainty. Even though there are miles of land everything just feels claustrophobic and urgent. The twists come out of left field and previous occurrences take on a completely different meaning. Halfway through the second act you kind of figure out where it's going, but you'll never be able to figure everything out. This film is not only tense, but it's also very moving. By the end I really wasn't sure who the good guys or bad guys were. All I know is that I haven't seen a horror/suspense film this powerful in a while. Laugier is one talented director that knows how to manipulate your emotions and create tension. This one comes highly recommended. Even Biel wasn't terrible acting wise.
Funny or Scary: Very chilling stuff and it makes you think.
Scariest Scene: When Julia chases after her son in the abandoned warehouse
Overall Corpse Rating: 7.5 blown away corpses.

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